Thursday, 2 April 2015

Implications for Treatment - Research,

Engaging Autism: Exploring a Common Ground
between the DIR Model and ABA
Implications for Treatment - Research, Clinical and Parent Perspectives

This conference aimed to expand the scope of ASD intervention by exploring the common ground and complimentary relationship between the DIR model and ABA approaches.
At the heart of engaging autism is developing reciprocal relationships and communication between parent and child that paves the way for the future. The DIR model introduced a major paradigm shift to intervention focused on the role of affect and relationships in development, emotional thinking and symbolic play in cognition, and intervention tailored to the individual differences in sensory processing and regulation in each child. ABA emphasizes the child’s capacity to learn new behavior as a function of its consequences and acquire skill sets that promote function in the real world, reducing behaviors that interfere with learning. Other methods also strive to improve outcomes. An objective of this conference was to initiate the dialogue needed to improve and enhance outcomes across a greater number of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
At Profectum, intervention focuses on building foundational competencies needed across the life span and a refreshing openness to exploring integrative models of intervention. As the importance of developmental approaches is recognized by clinical and evidence based research, this ground breaking conference opened new doors and innovative possibilities.
During this unique day of presentations on research, clinical and parent perspectives participants learned about:
Considering effective practices for improving developmental outcome in autism.
Integrating developmental approaches and ABA programs.
Evidence for joint attention and symbolic play improving outcomes in school settings with verbal and non-verbal children.
Evidence for the DIR model improving child parent interactions and outcomes that impact diagnoses.
The Unmet Challenge: Discovering barriers to progress and experiences to activate progress.
Making decisions along the intervention path with parents.
Clinical reasoning and intervention integrating a case presentation.
Raising the bar of expectations as children transition into adulthood.
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Pathways to Progress: Essential Experiences to Advance Development The DIR Model and the Foundational Capacities for Development (FCD)
Serena Wieder, PhD, Clinical Director, Profectum Foundation
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Activating development for children on the spectrum requires models of intervention that embrace the complexity of each child’s individual trajectory and provide experiences that build the foundation for learning, competence, friendship and relationships to prepare for the future. Understanding the DIR model structure and the building blocks needed to move from skills to competencies can help close the gaps and barriers impeding development. Presentations of children with different profiles focused on prioritizing goals and integrating related intervention approaches.
Engaging Autism: Developmental Implications for Intervention
Connie Kasari, PhD
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Engaging with others is often a key area of difficulty for children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Engagement encompasses several developmental skills including the ability to play with others, to share attention and affect, and to communicate with gesture and spoken language. This talk focused on the application of targeted interventions for these core deficits of children with an ASD across the early developmental period with a distinction between children who are preverbal versus nonverbal. Developmental change was highlighted with a particular focus on research directed toward underserved, under-represented and under-resourced children with autism, and interventions carried out in natural environments of home and school.
Intensive Developmental Interventions for Young Children with Autism: New Evidence
Richard Solomon, MD
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Evidence from the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) multisite randomized controlled trial (RCT) study of the P.L.A.Y. Project, based on Greenspan and Wieder’s DIR model, support Intensive Developmental Interventions (IDI) . These are evidence-based practices for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) that offer a distinct alternative to Intensive Behavioral Interventions (IBI). While individual IDI programs differ in some methodological details, they all focus on addressing the core deficit in autism namely impairments in social relating and communicating. IDI focuses on the foundational developmental capacities of social relating and communicating, strengthening parent-child relationships, and considering a child’s individual capacities in a comprehensive way. Whereas IBI is programmatic and adult directed, IDI is playful and child directed. Emerging findings and implications for practice and further research was discussed.
Integrating ABA and Developmental Approaches
Joanne Gerenser, PhD
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Effective use of applied behavior analysis in young children with ASD requires both a good understanding of the principles of ABA as well as knowledge of typical early childhood development. It is clearer than ever that collaboration across disciplines as well as across treatment approaches is necessary to achieve optimal outcomes in greater numbers of children with ASD.
Discussion Panels: Broadening the Scope of Intervention
Profectum Faculty: Ron Balamuth, PhD; Gilbert Foley, EdD, Sima Gerber, PhD, CCC, Christie Virtue, PhD, Avital Balsam, MA, CCC, SLP along with Guest Parents
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Clinician Panel: Clinical Case Study Presentation
This ground breaking conference for clinicians and parents explores forging a common ground and a new relationship between DIR® and ABA. A case dialogue with both DIR model and ABA clinicians explored complementary strategies to overcoming the hurdles and challenges to forming reciprocal relationships between children and parents, the necessary foundation for developmental progress. This session provides the practicing clinician and parents with an expanded perspective and armamentarium to both understand and treat ASD.
Parent Panel: The Parent Perspective
A discussion of the challenges and priorities in identifying intervention approaches that meet the changing needs of their children and their families. Parent reflections on what worked most and what else was needed to guide the ongoing process of supporting development as children grow older. This session highlights parents’ perspectives and insights from their journeys.

How to Create a Meaningful Life for Every Child
Ricki G. Robinson, MD, MPH
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Every parent has hopes and dreams for their child. When a diagnosis of autism is received, parents often find these hopes and dreams shattered – yet individuals with ASD can live meaningful lives! In this presentation Dr. Ricki helped parents and professionals use FCD™/DIR model principles to understand and identify steps required to support a child with ASD develop the foundational capacities and skills he needs as he matures to help him realize his hopes and dreams. Inspiring cases described how to implement changes that foster independence for individuals with ASD from childhood through adolescence to adulthood and how to match an educational program to meet the interests of a child with ASD to support movement up the developmental ladder.

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