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The DIR model can be expanded for family focused use when we identify individual profiles, how they interface within the family dynamics and how the family lives in their unique culture. Both daily routines as well as life’s big issues impact ALL families. The modern family living with Autism or special needs cares about all its members and how to foster well-being among siblings, nuclear and extended family, friends, careers, community. Everyone’s quality of life and future pursuits are important. This workshop will address family life span developmental / interactional changes and needs and practical ways for them to grow and thrive. The impact of professional services across the life span will be explored with a focus on promoting individual and family integrity. Longitudinal clinical case-based stories from real families will exemplify learning and discussion.
Participants will be able to:
Define how to use the DIR model in the context of family integration and integrity.
Describe the essential relationship between individual growth and family relationships.
List practical ways to support growth by conceptualizing family impact over the lifespan.
Identify how to operationalize individual and family well-being in a larger societal context.
Model Case Presentation: An Adolescent with an Autism Spectrum Disorder Presenting with Chronic Stress in an Educational Setting
Monica G. Osgood, Executive Director, Profectum Foundation; Co-Founder & Executive Director, Celebrate the Children School
Discussant: Lisa deFaria, LCSW, BCD, Director, Family Center for Developmental Therapies, CA
6-month subscription - $15
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This exciting case integrates many of the featured themes presented throughout the conference, demonstrating real world application of stress management and the impact it can have on an individual, his family, and the professionals on his team.
Participants will be able:
Describe how individual developmental profiles contribute to the perception of experiences and perhaps enhance the traumatic effects of certain situations.
Define how to differentiate symptomology of developmental disorders from PTSD.
List the interdisciplinary interventions that support the child, family and team in addressing PTSD and ASD.
Describe how the DIR model supports the foundations needed to address PTSD symptoms.
Creating a Future: Challenges and Solutions across the Lifespan
How to Create a Meaningful Life for Every Child
Ricki Robinson, MD, MPH, Medical Director, Profectum Foundation
Young Adult Panel Discussion: Their Concerns and Their Solutions
Moderated by Joshua D. Sparrow, MD; and Serena Wieder, PhD Clinical Director, Profectum Foundation
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Every parent has hopes and dreams for their child. When a diagnosis of autism is received, parents often find these hopes and dreams shattered – yet individuals with ASD can live meaningful lives! In this presentation Dr. Ricki will help parents and professionals use the FCD™/DIR model principles to understand and identify steps required to support a child with ASD develop the foundational capacities and skills he needs as he matures to help him realize his hopes and dreams. Inspiring cases will describe how to implement changes that will foster independence for individuals with ASD from childhood through adolescence to adulthood and how to match an educational program to meet the interests of a child with ASD to support movement up the developmental ladder.
Participants will be able to:
Describe how to implement changes that will foster independence for individuals with ASD from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.
Match an educational program to meet the interests of a child with ASD to support movement up the developmental ladder.
Identify a program that allows the individual with ASD to follow his or her dream for the future.
Barriers to Progress: Revise and Revive Interventions
The Role of Visual Spatial and Related Processing Challenges to Emotional Regulation
Serena Wieder, PhD, Clinical Director, Profectum Foundation
6-month subscription - $15
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When development encounters unmet challenges impeding progress, or advances slowly or unevenly, we must re-examine our understanding of individual profiles, re-evaluate interventions, and reconsider opportunities to advance progress. Visual spatial challenges can affect every aspect of development, including thinking, learning, movement, relating, emotions and life competencies. These challenges are often accompanied by anxiety, stress, and poor emotional regulation as individuals encounter difficulties. Discover the visual spatial, cognitive and emotional profile to uncover further pathways to progress.
Participants will be able to:
Describe how to assess hurdles in development and gaps in foundational capacities.
List behaviors related to anxiety and visual spatial challenges.
Describe how to focus on the comprehension wall behind words and thoughts.
Define how to activate development through affect.
List the emotional-regulatory challenges and constrictions.
Describe how to prioritize goals and changes in intervention when progress falters.
Realizing Potential: School Programs that Recognize Intelligence and Prepare Students with Diverse Needs for Success Futures
Monica G. Osgood, Executive Director, Profectum Foundation; Co-Founder & Executive Director, Celebrate the Children School
6-month subscription - $15
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Today we understand that autism is a disorder of integration and that deficits in the sensory-motor system are at the core of what derails individuals with ASD from realizing his or her potential. These core challenges often impact the individual’s ability to act on intentions and share with others his or her true intellect. This plenary session will illustrate educational interventions for middle and high school aged students and young adults that target core deficits through emotionally-meaningful, relationship-based activities in the classroom. Tapping into each student's unique communication system will be emphasized and the use of presumed competence to maximize intellectual participation in class will be illustrated through video examples. Independence will be a key focus of this plenary as work on organization, working in groups, relationships fostered through group problem solving and higher level critical and creative thinking are targeted. Additionally, the use of technology and the importance of global awareness will be covered as students are prepared for successful lives in the 21st Century.
Participants will be able to:
Describe new insights into the capabilities and competence of the student with ASD and other developmental challenges.
Describe how autism is a disorder of integration.
List different approaches to maximizing each student's ability to communicate.
Describe how targeting the core deficits in each individual's sensory-motor system and maximizing communication in the classroom realizes higher levels of intelligence, self-esteem, participation, independence, relationships and overall success.
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